Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Auto volgeladen om te vertrekken uit Breckenridge
Car loaded and ready to hit the road
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Eerste stop: Salida, CO
First stop: Salida, CO
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
S-mountain domineert het stadje
S-mountain dominates the town
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Checking out de Arkansas Hills
Checking out the Arkansas Hills
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Uitzicht over Salida en S-mountain
View over Salida and S-mountain
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Kroki op de Arkansas Hills trail system
Kroki on the Arkansas Hills trail system
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Smooth, flowing singletrack
Smooth, flowing singletrack
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Marv in volle actie
Marv in full action
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Slecht weer boven Salida
Bad weather in Salid
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Monarch Pass: begin van 30 mijl non-stop singletrack !
Monarch Pass: start of 30 miles non-stop singletrack
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Het trail register tekenen
Signing the trail register
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Let's check the Monarch Crest trail
Let's check the Monarch Crest trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Singletrack op de Continental Divide
Singletrack on the Continental Divide
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Magnifieke uitzichten
Magnificent views
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Behoorlijk wat klimwerk
Also some climbing involved
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Biking op de top van Amerika
Biking on the top of the USA
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Het feest blijft duren
The party keeps going
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Halfweg de Monarch Crest trail
Halfway the Monarch Crest trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Eerste-klas singletrail
First-class singletrail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Tussendoortje op de Colorado trail
In between section on the Colorado trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Om onze weg te vervolgen via Silver Creek trail
To continue our way via Silver Creek trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
2-foot drop op de Silver Creek trail
2-foot drop on the Silver Creek trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Zo doen echte downhillers dat
That's how the rel downhillers do this
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De vallei roept
The valley calls us
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Tussen de Aspen bomen op de Rainbow Trail
Between the Aspen trees on the Rainbow tril
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De laatste haarspeldbochten van de Rainbow Trail
The last switchbacks of the Rainbow Trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Geimproviseerde bike support
Improvised bike support
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Bezoekje aan spookstad St Elmo
Visiting ghost town St Elmo
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Waar zitten die spoken hier ?
Where are the ghosts ?
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Verlaten mijn
Abandond mine
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Do not destroy the saloon !
Do not destroy the saloon !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Via de oude spoorwegbedding van Alpine Tunnel trail
Via the old railroad Alpine Tunnel trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Alweer schitterende uitzichten
Again magnificent views
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Comfortabele zetel ?
Comfortable seat ?
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Alleszins eentje met een uitzicht !
At least with a view !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Door de weides in volle bloei
Through meadows with wildflowers
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Op weg naar de Continental Divide
On our way to the Continental Divide
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Lastig stukske
TTough section
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Hier groeit bijna niks meer
There is n't much growing here
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Het laatste stukje tot op de top op 3600m !
The last section to the top at 3600m !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Hard werk !
Hard work !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Yiehaa, downhill !
Yiehaa, downhill !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Hey, waar is het pad naartoe ?
Hey, where did the trail go ?
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Heel veel riviertjes
Many river crossings
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De laatste loodjes naar Tin Cup pass
The last efforts to Tin Cup pass
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
bijna boven !
Almost there !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De finale afdaling: 15 km aan een stuk !
The final downhill: 15 km non-stop !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Volgende stop: Fruita, Colorado
Next stop: Fruita, Colorado
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Symbool van Fruita: Mike, the headless chicken.
Symbol of Fruita: Mike, the headless chicken
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Canyons !
Canyons !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Independence monument
Independence monument
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Ziet er ideaal uit om te mountainbiken
Looks perfect for mountainbiking
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Net na zonsopgang klaar om te vertrekken
Ready to go just after sunrise
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Uitzicht over de Colorado rivier
View over the Colorado river
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Eerste kennismaking met slickrock
First slickrock !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Leuke technische singletrails op de rand van de Colorado canyon
Nice technical singletrack on the edge of the Colorado river canyon
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Maar ook snelle, flowy singletrails
But also fast, smooth, flowy singletrails
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Overal prachtige uitzichten
Magnificent views everywhere
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Amai, dat is diep !
oh oh, that's deep !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Van het uitzicht genieten
Enjoying the views
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Canyons unlimited
Canyons unlimited
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Supersteile hellingen zijn er ook !
Supersteep climbs !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Desert biking
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Smooth singletrails in de North Fruita woestijn
Smooth singletrails in the North Fruita desert
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Eindeloze singletrails
Endless singletrails
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Joe's ridge
Joe's ridge
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Hoog en droog, en smal !
High and dry, and narrow !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
En met obstakels
And with obstacles
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Rollercoaster singletrails
Rollercoaster singletrails
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Woestijn = droog en dorstig
Desert = dry and dusty
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Terug in de canyons
Back in the canyons
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Steile hellingen met drops
Steep descents with drops
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Biking met het Colorado National Monument op de achtergrond
Biking with the Colorado National Monument in the background
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Zoek de reevaxer !
Find the Reevaxer !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Een hele lange steile slickrock klim
A very long and steep slickrock climb
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Toast op alweer een schitterende mountainbike locatie !
Toast on again a magnificent mountainbike location !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
We laten Colorado achter ons, en verhuizen naar Moab, Utah
We leave Colorado bahind us, and enter Moab, Utah
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Welkom in canyon land
Welcome in canyon land
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Reevax op de beroemde Slickrock trail
Reevax on the famous Slickrock trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Volg de witte lijntjes
Follow the white lines
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Supersteile klimmekes
Supersteep climbs
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Pepe in volle inspanning
Pepe putting the force down
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Marv in actie
Marv in action
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
En dit is dan het resultaat
And this is the result
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De ene steile helling volgt na de andere
One steep hill follows another
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Start van The Whole Enchilda in de La Sal bergen
Start of the Whole Enchilada in the La Sal mountains
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De klim naar Burro pass
The climb to Burro pass
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De pas komt in zicht
The pass comes into view
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Veel riviertjes
Many river crossings
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Yiieha, de canyons komen dichterbij
Yeeha, the canyons are coming closer
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Drastisch veranderend landschap
DRastically changing landscapes
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Aan de rand van Porcupine Rim
Reevax at Porcupine Rim
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Amai, dat is diep !
Shit, that's a long way down !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Best niet door rijden met de bike
Don't ride over these with your bike
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Leuke drops
Nice drops
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Langs de rand van de canyon
Along the rim of the canyon
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Pepe op een serie drops
Pepe on a series of drops
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Bijna aan het einde van de canyon
Almost at the end of the canyon
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Pre-historische rotstekeningen
Pre-historic rock drawings
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Gelukkig rijden wij met carbon
Luckily we ride carbon frames
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Zonsopgang in Arches National Park
Sunrise in Arches National Park
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Ontbijt onder Landscape Arch
Breakfast under Landscape Arch
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Soms regent het in de woestijn
Sometimes it rains in the desert
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Deze boog heeft dringend Reevax support nodig
This arch urgently needs Reevax support
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Marv is onder de indruk van de boogskes
Marv is impressed by the arches
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Weer op weg, de reis is lang en vermoeiend
On the road again, the journey is long and tiring
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De auto stopt aan Bryce Canyon
The car stops at Bryce Canyon
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Vervallen ranch uit betere tijden
Old ranch from better times
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Het amfitheater in Bryce Canyon
The amphitheatre in Bryce Canyon
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Heel veel hoodoos
Lots o hoodoos
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Kroki en Marv zijn onder de indruk
Kroki and Marv are impressed
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Opgepast, fotograaf aan het werk
Attention, photographer at work
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Wind? Of hoofdpijn?
Wind? Or a headache ?
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
De dag begint met een stevig ontbijt
The day starts with a hearty breakfast
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Op weg naar het begin van de trail
On the way to the start of the trail
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Bestemming: Thunder Mountain
Destination: Thunder Mountain
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Precies iets te veel bonen gegeten gisteren
Too many beans yesterday !
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Reevax-oranje bergen vandaag
Reevax-orange mountains today
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Een uiterst zeldzame Orbea boom
An extremely rare Orbea tree
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Rollercaoster trail naar de top van Thunder Mountain
Rollercoaster trail to the top of Thunder Mountain
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Tegenligger tussen de Hoodoos
Oncoming traffic between the Hoodoos
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Op de top van Thunder Mountain
At the top of Thunder Mountain
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Laat de afdaling beginnen
Let the downhill begin
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Oppassen om niet van de kam te schuiven
Careful not to slide off the ridge
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Witte, oranje, roze en rode rotsen
White, orange, pink and red rocks today
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Viewpoint across the valley
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Het laatste stuk via de bodem van de canyon door de rivierbedding
The last section over the bottom of the cayon through the river bed
Colorado/Utah road trip 2011
Aan alle mooie tijden komt een eind. Orbeas klaar voor de terugreis
There is an end to all good times. Orbeas ready for the return flight.